The Plan

I am one of those people who decided fairly early on in life exactly what I wanted to be. I had watched What Women Want (Helen Hunt is my absolute favourite!) and decided then and there that I just had to work in advertising. Having researched it and discovering that, although I am creative in my own way, I didn’t think that I would get too far with the immensely creative types you find in the advertising world.

I went on to University to study Business Management with Marketing and thoroughly enjoyed learning everything I could about the industry. I had decided that this is what I wanted to pursue.

The end of University loomed and I carried on in my bar work struggling to find my opportunity to squeeze into the marketing industry. I applied for at least 12 jobs a week, fully prepared to work my way up from the very bottom. Alas, it was not meant to be… I soon managed to get a job in an office where I was earning a decent enough wage to put down a deposit on a house with my partner.

And here I am really, feeling very stuck in a job that I do enjoy, but just not enough. Going from someone who was very career driven to who I am now has hit me recently like a ton of very nasty bricks. I’ve changed my mind and my sanity and happiness is what I really want to nurture.

This is why I am going to begin making dresses. For myself at first, and then to sell. Thankfully, this gives me the chance to use my much missed marketing degree which I am incredibly excited about.

Word of mouth will be my saviour in the beginning. Then I will move onto Etsy or another independent selling website and see how it progresses. I plan to remain in my current job because lets face it, I’m not stupid, this might not take off but I am going to put my all into this venture because its not just an enjoyable career, but also a better quality of life for myself and my partner.

I plan to write a weekly blog on my progress every sunday and update any readers on what I have been up to. I will also write a blog during the week on any interesting finds and links for anything relevant!

My partner thinks I would be pretty good at hosting a youtube channel so maybe that could be something in the future but for now I am just throwing ideas around.

If you got this far then thanks for reading!

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